With the generous support of The Stan Perron Charitable Foundation, we’ve launched a new program called Rising Stars.

Rising Stars is a teen autistic mentor coaching program, which enables graduates from the Telethon Teen Mentoring Program to continue their important role as leaders within our organisation. Thanks to the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation, we now have autistic Mentors in many of our programs, including our Social Bowling League, Jnrs Program, Kids’ Club, Gaming Gang, Art Therapy Group and School Holidays Program. We will also hold professional development sessions with our Mentors, increasing their confidence and ensuring they are key stakeholders in the day-to-day running of the club. We believe strongly in co-design and incorporating our autistic members’ interests, ideas and experiences in the fabric of our organisation.


This is a wonderful opportunity for our community, as it provides young autistic children and their families with Actually Autistic role models, whose lived experience promotes feelings of self-worth and autistic pride. We recognise the importance of creating leadership positions for autistic youth, and the value in connecting autistic children with their neurokin.


We are also proud to provide a working model of open employment, supporting broad, fair and inclusive employment. Over 50% of All Stars’ staff identify as autistic.

Meet our Rising Stars Mentors!


To become a paid Mentor in the Rising Stars Program, candidates are expected to have completed the Telethon Teen Mentoring Program.

Please contact us by email if you would like to know more about these programs.

These infographics have been created by our Rising Stars Participants to share their experiences of being “Actually Autistic”. Our mentors are passionate about re-framing stereotypes surrounding Autism and educating the general public about what it means to be autistic. They’re powerful messages and we are proud to give them the opportunity to share their wisdom.

This program is possible thanks to a community grant from the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation