All Stars Art Connect
Location: All Stars for Autism - Joondalup Family Centre 25 Jolstra Crescent, Joondalup WA
When is it: Saturdays 1:00pm - 2:30pm during the school term, commencing in week two of each term.
Who’s it for: Primary school-aged autistic children and their siblings. Parents or carers stay to support their kids and meet other families.
What is it: All Stars Art Connect is a one-of-a-kind group art therapy program that enables autistic children to develop their creative skills in a supportive, safe environment. It is inclusive and welcomes siblings and the whole family to participate in the activities. The program is facilitated by Larah from Art Therapy Connect. Larah’s an incredibly talented Art Therapist who uses lots of mindfulness and breathing techniques to help children explore their creativity and feelings in a peaceful and loving manner.
Currently full - Join the waitlist here

This program is possible thanks to an Australia Post Community Grant