Location: All Stars for Autism - Joondalup Family Centre 25 Jolstra Crescent, Joondalup WA
When is it: Wednesdays 4-5pm during the school term, commencing in week two of each term.
Who’s it for: Primary school-aged autistic children and their siblings. Parents or carers stay to support their kids and meet other families.
What is it: All Stars Kids Club is a unique social program that encourages autistic children to try new things, develop their interests and form collaborative, organic friendships through play and team-building activities. The program enables autistic children to develop a positive autistic identity, as well as enhancing relationships within the family and other families on a similar journey. Our timetable is varied, with new activities delivered each week, decided in consultation with our autistic children and families.
Currently Full - Please contact us to be added to the waitlist.