Summer Holiday Family Fun

Our last Summer Holiday program was our best yet, with something for everyone, and a selection of programs that entertained, enlightened and amused everyone who attended.

We started the Summer with one of our favourites - a visit from Scitech. They put on two shows and workshops, which delighted everyone in the audience. We learnt all about the different kind of poos animals do in the wild (that’s the one thing that stuck in my mind for some reason!) and asked us to put on our detective hats to try to piece together various clues about animals – including habitats and what (or who!) they eat. There were so many hands up in the air all at once, and lots of giggles and exclamations of joy from kids and parents alike. 


Their next show took on more of an underwater theme, and the kids marvelled at the strange creatures of the deep – with a lot of knowledge being thrown about, impressing our Scitech visitors! So many of the kids knew more than their parents! We all learnt something that day.


Our second program was a baking workshop, hosted by Chantel from Sugar Pop Pantry. We’ve got one word to describe this session - YUM!! Each child became a Masterchef for an hour and a half – baking their dough, mixing beautiful colours for icing, and decorating each cookie with the style and sophistication one comes to expect from the ‘Instagram generation.’ They were certainly insta ready cookies! And the best bit, was that each child got to take home a bundle of what they’d made in their very own boxes. I’m pretty sure they got shared with the rest of the family, but who can say? We had to get in quick at our house!


Our third session was extra special, with teenage dancers, Montana and Savannah, putting on a show for our kids and teaching them acrobatics. The dancers were fantastic and bonded with each child instantly. They ran the show and workshop like they’d been doing it their whole lives, and our kids thought they were the BOMB. They listened attentively and watched the dancers’ every move, completely mesmerised (we all were), even asking for an encore at the end of the show. It’s so interesting to see our kids respond to young adults – there’s an affinity there that is so natural and organic and one we’ll be bringing back in future holiday programs. 


Last but not least, was Lan and Joel’s yoga and sound healing session, hosted by the Alignment Collective. Wow! Lan and Joel were able to engage the kids with movement, music, scarves and some beautiful meditations that brought a feeling of zen over the whole space. We started with some excitable little children at the beginning of the session, but towards the end, all of them were too relaxed to move, and we had to wait patiently for them to ‘come back to earth’ so we could tell them it was finished! Lan and Joel have such a warm and loving presence and it radiated to every cell of our kids’ bodies – parents and carers, too!


Thank you to everyone who came to our holiday program, took sessions and helped out. We had the best Summer and can’t wait to share some more holiday programs with you in the Easter holidays. Keep an eye out on our website and social media pages for upcoming info. We look forward to seeing the whole family again soon!


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Mixing it up with Scitech